Digital manuals

Digital manuals

Brazilian Morganti Ju-Jitsu black belt – 1st dan digital manual R300,00

Brazilian Morganti Ju-Jitsu black belt – 1st dan digital manual

21/10/2020 / No Comments

This is a digital manual for Morganti Ju-Jitsu practitioners who will prepare for the 1st dan grading, in it, you will find explanatory videos about the procedures of the grading, as well as footage from different angles, with breaks and arrows pointing the details, so you can learn Ju-Kata dai ichi with perfection and review…

Brazilian Morganti Ju-Jitsu black belt digital manual R300,00

Brazilian Morganti Ju-Jitsu black belt digital manual

11/09/2020 / No Comments

This is a digital manual for Morganti Ju-Jitsu practitioners who will prepare for the black belt grading, in it, you will find explanatory videos about the procedures of the grading, as well as footage from different angles, with breaks and arrows pointing the details, so you can learn Ju Kata dai ichi with perfection and…

Brazilian Morganti Ju-Jitsu brown belt digital manual R200,00

Brazilian Morganti Ju-Jitsu brown belt digital manual

10/09/2020 / No Comments

Digital manual for Brazilian Morganti Ju-Jitsu purple to brown belt students. This guide contains all the technical and theoretical content necessary for the gradings: – Pronunciation of the techniques – Ne Waza (Ground Fight), Nague Waza (Throws), and Kata – PDF Book – Theoretical Test Oss

Brazilian Morganti Ju-Jitsu purple belt digital manual R200,00

Brazilian Morganti Ju-Jitsu purple belt digital manual

10/09/2020 / No Comments

Digital manual for Brazilian Morganti Ju-Jitsu green to purple belt students. This guide contains all the technical and theoretical content necessary for the gradings: – Pronunciation of the techniques – Ne Waza (Ground Fight), Nague Waza (Throws), and Kata – PDF Book – Theoretical Test Oss

Brazilian Morganti Ju-Jitsu green belt digital manual R200,00

Brazilian Morganti Ju-Jitsu green belt digital manual

10/09/2020 / No Comments

Digital manual for Brazilian Morganti Ju-Jitsu blue to green belt students. This guide contains all the technical and theoretical content necessary for the gradings: – Pronunciation of the techniques – Kihon (Punches, Kicks, and Defenses), Ne Waza (Ground Fight), Nague Waza (Throws), and Kata – PDF Book – Theoretical Test Oss

Brazilian Morganti Ju-Jitsu blue belt digital manual R200,00

Brazilian Morganti Ju-Jitsu blue belt digital manual

10/09/2020 / No Comments

Digital manual for Brazilian Morganti Ju-Jitsu red to blue belt students. This guide contains all the technical and theoretical content necessary for the gradings: – Pronunciation of the techniques – Kihon (Punches, Kicks, and Defenses), Ne Waza (Ground Fight), Nague Waza (Throws), and Kata – PDF Book – Theoretical Test Oss

Brazilian Morganti Ju-Jitsu red belt digital manual R200,00

Brazilian Morganti Ju-Jitsu red belt digital manual

09/09/2020 / No Comments

Digital manual for Brazilian Morganti Ju-Jitsu orange to red belt students. This guide contains all the technical and theoretical content necessary for the gradings: – Pronunciation of the techniques – Kihon (Punches, Kicks, and Defenses), Ne Waza (Ground Fight), Nague Waza (Throws), and Kata – PDF Book, Children’s Test, and a special Cartoon – Theoretical…

Brazilian Morganti Ju-Jitsu orange belt digital manual R200,00

Brazilian Morganti Ju-Jitsu orange belt digital manual

09/09/2020 / No Comments

Digital manual for Brazilian Morganti Ju-Jitsu yellow to orange belt students. This guide contains all the technical and theoretical content necessary for the gradings: – Pronunciation of the techniques – Kihon (Punches, Kicks, and Defenses), Ne Waza (Ground Fight), Nague Waza (Throws), and Kata – PDF Book, Children’s Test, and a special Cartoon – Theoretical…

Brazilian Morganti Ju-Jitsu yellow belt digital manual R200,00

Brazilian Morganti Ju-Jitsu yellow belt digital manual

09/09/2020 / No Comments

Digital manual for Brazilian Morganti Ju-Jitsu white to yellow belt students. This guide contains all the technical and theoretical content necessary for the gradings: – History of Morganti Ju-Jitsu – Pronunciation of the techniques – Kihon (Punches, Kicks, and Defenses), Ne Waza (Ground Fight), Nague Waza (Throws), and Kata – PDF Book, Children’s Test, and…